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Showing results 134 to 153 of 16214 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The Fate of English in the Post-Brexit European UnionKozikis, D. D.; Shchepacheva, T. Y.
2024Figurative Language in the Songwriting of “The Amazing Devil”Мурашкина, С. С.
2017Filme im DAF-UnterrichtSommerfeld, А.
2020Fishing Industry in the UK: the Worst-Case ScenarioСолодилина, А.
2023Floristic Vocabulary and its Functioning in the Novel by H. G. Wells “The Time Machine”Кравцова, М. Д.
2020Food Waste in America: Threatening RealityЯнковец, Я.
2017Formal proto-language in a text processing systemЯковишин, В. С.
2023The Four Asian Tigers: Economic BreakthroughВолкова, Е.; Паранчук, О.
2022The four c’s: conceptualization, convention, culture and creativity in corpus dataStefanowitsch, A.
2021Frequent Types of Variability in Phraseology of Biblical OriginBakina, A. D.; Skotnikova, A. D.; Valueva, A. V.
2022The function of photoekphrasis in the novel the photograph by Penelope livelyXiao, Jie.
2020Gebremstes Gedenken in BelarusNovikau, S.; Saal von, Y.
2018Gen Y or Why Change?Kurs, T.
2020Gender Discrimination in India: Scenario and SolutionsКолесникович, Д.
2018Gender Marked and Gender Neutral Job Titles: a Matter of CommunicationSoroka, А.-А.; Lavrovsky, А.
2022The genre of Christmas tale in Ch. Dickens’ workLiang, Xiao.
2014Geography of Belarus' Interests: IndonesiaLopato-Zagorsky, V.
2018German Borrowings in American English and Their Impact on American ToponymyVoskobovich, K. A.
2017The German Factor in the Emergence of American EnglishVoskobovich, K. A.
2019Gesture as a Key Factor of Successful Business PresentationsButyrkina, I. S.