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Showing results 241 to 260 of 16214 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018National and Cultural Peculiarities of Euphemism as a Language UniversalLemish, N. Ye.
2020The National and International Significance of the Lake District in Cumbria, EnglandШершнева, А.; Алешкевич, Н. Н.
2022National-kulturelle Markierung vom belarussischen Vers libre des 20. – Frühen 21. JahrhundertsDubovskaya, T. A.
2021Nationally Specific Meanings of the Body-Part Terms ‘Finger’ and ‘Nail’ (Based on the Data from Explanatory Dictionaries of English)Rychkova, L. V.; Al-Najm, Maysoon Salah Shakir
2020Native Americans: a Struggle for LifeЖуравлева, В.
2024Natura Siberica: successful brand localisation in the light of the national specificsМаслова, Н. С.; Корнева, А. И.
2023The Netherlands as the Top English-Speaking CountryЖук, А.
2019New in Australian Ecology: Negative Impact AnalysisНестерович, Я.
2020New Reality for the Homeless in BritainЛисовская, С.
2021Nombra, или путь испанского языка к гендерному равноправиюСергей, Д.
2020Northern Dialects in the United KingdomЗуева, Д.
2021Nostalgia-Fuelled Heritage Tourism in Britain: the Revival of Seaside ResortsКовалева, А.; Алешкевич, Н.
2021Nravizza: О графическом облике современного Минска (на материале уличных вывесок)Нехай, А.
2019O cосуществовании языков в коммуникативном пространстве ПолотчиныПутрова, М. Д.
2021Obey your thirst: трудности перевода рекламных слогановЗобнина, Д.
2019Obvious Reasons Canada Succeeds the USA as the Most Livable PlaceЗыгмантович, А.
2019Oil and Gas Contract in Business English CommunicationTolmach, E. I.
2019On general trends of language changes in computer mediated communicationСемёнкина, И. А.
2019On the History of Gardening in the UKKravtsova, М.
2024Özel Eğitimde Fen Kavramlarının Öğretimine İlişkin Öğretmen GörüşleriKarayazı Özsayın S.