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Showing results 208 to 227 of 16214 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023La conscience linguistique des hаbitants du nord de la France à travers la création phrаséologiqueFilimonova, I. Y.
2018La creación e integración de conceptos culturales Españoles por medio del aprendizaje experiencialSánchez Parrón, J. A.
2021La lengua española como gramática social: símbolos culturales de España y su estructura social en comparación con BielorrusiaRodríguez Díaz Á.
2021La redefinición de la España colonial nacionalcatólica a través de Las tinieblas de tu memoria negra de Donato NdongoSánchez Parrón, J. A.
2023Labour Shortage in America: Pre- and Post-COVID AnalysisСрывкина, А.
2021Language of Business Negotiation: the Code of Business and Language EtiquetteGarcarz, M.
2020The Last-Chance Tourism: Destination AustraliaГусева, А.; Алешкевич, Н. Н.
2023Lenguaje no verbal de los políticos españolesМозолевская, В.
2018Lexemes Denoting Culture-Specific Elements in English-Language Fiction and Ways of Rendering by Means of the Russian Language (Based on the Novel Pushkin and the Queen of Spades by A. Randall)Trigubovich, A. O.
2020Lexical and Phonetic Features of Australian EnglishОрлова, Е.
2020Lexical and Phonetic Features of Liverpool EnglishИвченко, А.
2022Lexical and Syntactic Features of South African English as They are Represented in the Novel “Boyhood: Scenes From Provincial Life” by John Maxwell CoetzeeРадченко, Ю.
2022Lexical Characteristics of Newfoundland EnglishСмушко, В.
2023Lifelong Learning - новая норма жизниШалимо, Н. В.; Василенко, Е. С.
2021Linguistic Blunders in Public Discourse as CulturemesSzerszunowicz, J.
2019Linguistic IdentityGarabayev, B.
2020Little big (study): прагматика оксюморонных сочетаний с размерными прилагательнымиЧударь, А. Н.
2020Living in New Zealand: Recent DownsidesТарасенко, Ю.
2023LMS Moodle как способ организации самостоятельной работы студентовВоропай, Д. С.
2017L’aspect dialogique des processus cognitifs dans l’écrit de vulgarisation scientifiqueBoldak-Brial, A. A.