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Отображение результатов 217 до 236 из 14785 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Major Peculiarities of the Language System of Hong Kong EnglishKrautsova, M. D.
2021Major Peculiarities of the Language System of Hong Kong EnglishKrautsova, М.
2024Makine ve İnsan Çeviri Sorunları (Türkçe-Rusça Dil Çifti Örneği)Berberoğlu, S. S.
2023Making Sense of Scotland: National Identity and Unique CultureТурцевич, К.
2019The Maori Factor in the Development of New Zealand EnglishМикуцевич, Е.
2018Means of Conveying English Passive Structures into HungarianBorbély, Z. G.
2020Megxit in Trend: a Challenge for the British Royal FamilyТужикова, Д.; Дырда, Е.
2021Metaphorical Models in Economic Discourse (Derived from English Media Texts)Lojko, M. O.
2022Metaphorical statements in historical discourse: the problem of their creation and receptionŠuch, J.
2022Metaphors in John Updike’s Of the FarmKizilova, T. Y.
2023Moodle как средство контроля успеваемости студентовГончарова, А. А.
2017Moral Standards and Speech Etiquette in Modern Print Media DiscourseBatishcheva, N. V.
2018National and Cultural Peculiarities of Euphemism as a Language UniversalLemish, N. Ye.
2020The National and International Significance of the Lake District in Cumbria, EnglandШершнева, А.; Алешкевич, Н. Н.
2022National-kulturelle Markierung vom belarussischen Vers libre des 20. – Frühen 21. JahrhundertsDubovskaya, T. A.
2021Nationally Specific Meanings of the Body-Part Terms ‘Finger’ and ‘Nail’ (Based on the Data from Explanatory Dictionaries of English)Rychkova, L. V.; Al-Najm, Maysoon Salah Shakir
2020Native Americans: a Struggle for LifeЖуравлева, В.
2023The Netherlands as the Top English-Speaking CountryЖук, А.
2019New in Australian Ecology: Negative Impact AnalysisНестерович, Я.
2020New Reality for the Homeless in BritainЛисовская, С.