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Showing results 145 to 164 of 16214 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Gebremstes Gedenken in BelarusNovikau, S.; Saal von, Y.
2018Gen Y or Why Change?Kurs, T.
2020Gender Discrimination in India: Scenario and SolutionsКолесникович, Д.
2018Gender Marked and Gender Neutral Job Titles: a Matter of CommunicationSoroka, А.-А.; Lavrovsky, А.
2022The genre of Christmas tale in Ch. Dickens’ workLiang, Xiao.
2014Geography of Belarus' Interests: IndonesiaLopato-Zagorsky, V.
2018German Borrowings in American English and Their Impact on American ToponymyVoskobovich, K. A.
2017The German Factor in the Emergence of American EnglishVoskobovich, K. A.
2019Gesture as a Key Factor of Successful Business PresentationsButyrkina, I. S.
2023The Global Population Growth: Current TrendsАлешкевич, Н. Н.
2023Goblincore как направление субкультурыРебко, А.
2024Gorgeous yet dangerously polluted: air quality in London’s parksРойник, Л. Е.
2023Grammatical Transformations in the Translation of Fiction (based on Stephen King’s novels)Кравцова, М. Д.
2023Granite wall, или о вербальном конструировании образа успешной женщины в англоязычном кинодискурсеЗобнина, Д.
2022The great barrier reef: vulnerabilities and solutions for future existenceЖигарь, Т.
2021Growing Tendencies to Leave American Megalopolises in Coronavirus RealityФадеева, Т.
2023The Grownup by Gillian Flynn as an Example of Modern Ghost WritingKurs, Tatiana
2021The Growth of an Authentic Māori Tourism in New ZealandНиколайчик, А.
2020Gun Violence as an Alarming Epidemic of the American SocietyШибалович, А.
2022“He менее ў сэрцы адвагі…”: праблема эстэтычнага абнаўлення ў творчасці Міхася СтральцоваКісліцына, Г. М.