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Showing results 114 to 133 of 16166 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022The Ecological State of Sovetsky District of MinskLogvina, P.; Gritsova, N.
2015Ecuadorian TangoPoluyan, I.
2021EduScrum как инновационное средство повышения качества языкового образования на уроках английского языкаОрлова, В. Ф.
2021El judeoespañol (ladino): la lengua de los judíos sefardíesDavid Santamaría Mariscal
2020El relato microhistórico sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial: la huella de Estrella distante de Roberto Bolaño en Soldados de Salamina de Javier CercasSánchez Parrón, J. A.
2018El tema del terrorismo a través de la poesía contemporáneaРагожник, М.
2020The election of Keir Starmer as the new leader of the Labour in the United Kingdom (March 2020)Козикис, Д. Д.
2023The Elite Education in England: Recent TrendsТарасова, В.
2023Emotive Kineme der deutschen Sprache im DaF-Unterricht (Fachrichtung „Audiodeskription und interkulturelle Kommunikation“)Melikyan, M. V.
2019English as a killer-language: English borrowings in contemporary PolishGarcarz, M.; Kuźniak, M.
2020The English Language as a Means of Communication of Contemporary TeenagersGordeeva, D.; Mantsevich, V. A.
2023English, Belarusian and Russian proverbs with the image of a child and their relevance in the modern worldYushkevich, O.; Novikova, Y.
2020Environmental Impacts of Climate Change in the Fiji IslandsВолкова, Е.
2021Escritura y evocación del horror en El Laberinto Mágico de Max Aub. La adenda a Campo de los Almendros (1968)Navarro Navarro, J.
2020The Everglades National Park in Florida, the USA – the Unique Corner of the WorldБуракевич, Е.; Алешкевич, Н. Н.
2020Failed advertising campaigns: ways outШакун, А.
2019Faith – language – nation identity in the Basilians’ Cathechism 1722Skivitski, D. V.
2020Fake News Spreading in India: a New UpdateШерешевская, М.
2018«Family» metaphors in business EnglishLavrovski, A.; Akhramenko, R.
2021The Fate of English in the Post-Brexit European UnionKozikis, D. D.; Shchepacheva, T. Y.