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Showing results 30 to 49 of 16214 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019The Basic Features of South African English and Their Reflection Presented in the Novel by J. M. Coetzee «Scenes From Provincial Life»Пунько, О.
2020Being Entirely Dependent on Up-To-Date Gadgets: Alarm for the American CommunityСопелева, Е.; Решетникова, З.
2020Belarus and Canada: Cross-Cultural Differences and SimilaritiesКовалёва, А.
2024Belarus ve Türk Kültüründe Maslenitsa ve Nevruz Bayramı kutlamalarıAzap, S.; Tishkevich, A.
2021Belarusism in the glossary of v. Kalinin’s rromani (gypsy) Bible / беларусізм у гласарыі ромскай (цыганскай) Бібліі В. КалінінаYusuke Sumi
2023The Beneficial Effect of the Beatles on the British and Global CultureХомченко, С.
2023Big Data против фейковВасиленко, Е. С.; Шалимо, Н. В.
2017Bilateral Sociolinguistic Correlations between the Indigenous Maori and the European NewcomersKaplunou, P. Y.
2020«The black country bugle» как средство сохранения культурного регионального наследия АнглииРоманчук, П.
2020Boris Johnson’s Immigration PolicyRogozhkina, N.; Roskach, V.
2019Boston Education Trail: Particular Perspectives for the BestКазакова, М.
2019Brexit and the Awareness of Major Social Changes in Britain in Attaining Language CompetenceKozikis, D.
2020Brexit and the Fate of the English Language in EuropeKozikis, D. D.
2018Britain and the Outside WorldДерман, Т. А.
2021The British Linguo Map: Modern Languages, Dialects, Dead LanguagesНовик, А.
2021British Posh AccentMurashkowsky, D.
2022The Brummie AccentChernook, H.
2014Business with a British AccentAleinik, S.
2019Canada as an Incredible Immigration Hub in the Modern WorldСуринова, П.
2020Canada Waste Issue in Global Garbage CrisisАвтухова, Е.