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Отображение результатов 1 до 20 из 959  дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Ad hoc rules: the grammar behind the grammarVogel, R.
2019Categorization levels and semantic variation in intercultural communication in scienceBarasheva, D. E.
2021Cтруктура политического дискурса предвыборных дебатовЖмакина, Т. В.
2017Discourse particles: problems of linguistic description / Yu. VerbynenkoВербиненко, Ю. И.
2019Faith – language – nation identity in the Basilians’ Cathechism 1722Skivitski, D. V.
2021The Fate of English in the Post-Brexit European UnionKozikis, D. D.; Shchepacheva, T. Y.
2018Gender Marked and Gender Neutral Job Titles: a Matter of CommunicationSoroka, А.-А.; Lavrovsky, А.
2022How universal mental operations that are not specific to language create highly diverse linguistic and cultural systems of communicationTurner, M.
2022Image schemas as a way to understanding а schizophrenic world picture in narrative аnd autobiographical discourseManerko, L.
2020Improving translatability and readability with syntactic cues in software localizationБелобрудова, Ю. В.
2023Interrelation between speech tempo and the degree of formalityBotnar, U.
2021Language of Business Negotiation: the Code of Business and Language EtiquetteGarcarz, M.
2019Linguistic IdentityGarabayev, B.
2017L’aspect dialogique des processus cognitifs dans l’écrit de vulgarisation scientifiqueBoldak-Brial, A. A.
2021Major Peculiarities of the Language System of Hong Kong EnglishKrautsova, M. D.
2022Metaphorical statements in historical discourse: the problem of their creation and receptionŠuch, J.
2017Moral Standards and Speech Etiquette in Modern Print Media DiscourseBatishcheva, N. V.
2021Nravizza: О графическом облике современного Минска (на материале уличных вывесок)Нехай, А.
2018Perspectivation and Perspective. Outlines on Conceptual MetonymyDrößiger, H.-H.
2018The Picture of a Czech School through the Prism of Children of Older School AgePacovská, J.