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Отображение результатов 1 до 20 из 244  дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The Basic Features of South African English and Their Reflection Presented in the Novel by J. M. Coetzee «Scenes From Provincial Life»Пунько, О.
2021The British Linguo Map: Modern Languages, Dialects, Dead LanguagesНовик, А.
2021British Posh AccentMurashkowsky, D.
2023Celtic Languages in the UK in the 21st CenturyRogozhkina, N.
2021El judeoespañol (ladino): la lengua de los judíos sefardíesDavid Santamaría Mariscal
2020The Historic Factor in the Emergence of Hong Kong EnglishKravtsova, М.
2021The History of the Colonization of South Africa and its Influence on the Emergence of South African EnglishРадченко, Ю.
2021Immigration to Australia: Still Advantageous to Live in the Country?Орлова, Е.
2020The Impact of the History of the Colonization of New England and its Influence on the Formation of the Boston Dialect of American EnglishМинюк, Д.
2023La conscience linguistique des hаbitants du nord de la France à travers la création phrаséologiqueFilimonova, I. Y.
2020Lexical and Phonetic Features of Australian EnglishОрлова, Е.
2020Lexical and Phonetic Features of Liverpool EnglishИвченко, А.
2022Lexical and Syntactic Features of South African English as They are Represented in the Novel “Boyhood: Scenes From Provincial Life” by John Maxwell CoetzeeРадченко, Ю.
2022Lexical Characteristics of Newfoundland EnglishСмушко, В.
2021Major Peculiarities of the Language System of Hong Kong EnglishKrautsova, M. D.
2021Major Peculiarities of the Language System of Hong Kong EnglishKrautsova, М.
2019The Maori Factor in the Development of New Zealand EnglishМикуцевич, Е.
2021Nationally Specific Meanings of the Body-Part Terms ‘Finger’ and ‘Nail’ (Based on the Data from Explanatory Dictionaries of English)Rychkova, L. V.; Al-Najm, Maysoon Salah Shakir
2020Northern Dialects in the United KingdomЗуева, Д.
2019O cосуществовании языков в коммуникативном пространстве ПолотчиныПутрова, М. Д.