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Showing results 347 to 366 of 16214 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Task-Based Approach in Teaching British Culture to Foreign Language StudentsRogozhkina, N.
2018Teacher Professional Development: Language and MeaningЭкхарт, Роберт
2023Teaching Methodology: A GuidebookСоловьева, О. А.
2022Telegram-канал “Glebsanych_Blog” как инструмент взаимодействия преподавателя со студентамиРодионов, Г. А.
2024Telling Tales out of Shakespeare’s School: Rereading “The Boarding House” by James JoyceKizilova, T. Y.
2021Tendencies for Scottish Independence: Pros and ConsДюшко, Е.
2022The theme of war in pat barker’s novel the ghost roadXie, Weixi.
2022Theoretical approaches to genreLiu, Xinxin.
2021Tolerance as a Social Phenomenon in the American SocietyПолитаева, В.
2020Tolkien Tourism in New Zealand: the Lord of the Rings LegacyЛюдчик, С.
2022Tone of Voice брендовКоваленко, В.
2022A touch of love by Jonathan coe as a campus novelGao, Yuancheng.
2022A tough female character as depicted by Sara Paretsky in blood shootШуфань, Я.
2023Tourism In Alaska: Economic AdvantagesАлешкевич, Н. Н.; Гаврилова, Е.
2022Traning Computer Program for Reading ComprehensionMakarych, M. V.; Allahverdov, P. A.
2021Translating Montessori: Challenges and SolutionsCheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, D.
2019Types of Ambiguity in LinguisticsAl-najm, Maysoon Salah Shakir
2020Types of Evaluation Criteria for Machine TranslationOdai Wardeh
2019U AND non-U EnglishНепевная, В.
2018The UK Brexit Vacillations and Their Socio-Cultural ConnotationsКозикис, Д. Д.