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Showing results 280 to 299 of 14801 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Radial, Chain and Mixed Polysemy in Polysemantic Words in EnglishKarimova Shujaet Mashrif
2023Rational Appeal in Messages Advertising Educational Institutions and ServicesZhao Linjiang
2021The Realization of the Linguocreative Potential of a Multimodal MetaphorTaymour, M. P.
2020A Recent Record-Breaking Warm Winter in England and Scotland: Economic EffectsШейпа, М.
2022The Reference in Contemporary Poetic Performance (on the example of verses by George Mpanga and Arseniy Molchanov)Makutsa Ye. V.
2023The Reflection of the Notion “Practicality” in English Nautical IdiomsКравцова, М. Д.
2021Regular Structural Patterns in Business Terminology-PhraseologyFedulenkova, T. N.; Ivanova, A. V.; Volkova, S. A.
2022Rejecting the Cult of Artistic Martyrdom: Metaphors of Creativity in Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic”Shcherbinina, Y. I.
2017The relationship of individual’s basic values with russian and german students’ professional identityGavronova, Yu. D.; Neshenko, А. V.
2021The Relationships between Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scotland in LettersДудик, А.
2019Replacing morphemes by prepositions: from the operative field to the symbol fieldGrießhaber, W.
2021The Representation of Female Protagonist Diversity аs Depicted in the Short Stories by Maeve BinchyМарутич, Е. И.
2020Responsible tourism in Kenya: Perspective Travel DestinationГумовская, А.
2022Rhetorical Analysis of ArgumentsKireichuk, E. Y.
2018Rock ballad as a Successor to Classical English BalladBrazhnikova, Y.; Lukianina, T.
2022The role of extralinguistic information in building up the bilingual mental lexiconYarkova, Y. M.
2019The Role of Metaphors in Text FormationMikayilova, А. R.
2019The Role of Photograph in The Rain Before it Falls by Jonathan CoeKonovalov, S.
2019The Role of Socio-Historic Factors in the Development of Dialects in the USA (Boston English)Минюк, Д.
2019The Role of Рresentation in Teaching Foreign LanguagesSereda, A. E.