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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4020  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
202265-ы санет У. Шэкспіра і яго беларускамоўнае ўзнаўленне Ю. ГаўрукомЯсінская, К.
2023Academic English Writing for Publications: the Course Structure and Content DesignLiashchova, L. M.
2019Acquiring Diplomatic Language while Learning English for Special PurposesHets, M. G.
2022Arguing one’s way to constructions and constructiconsHerbst, Th.; Garibyan, A.
2018Autographilia as the way of motivating in learning EnglishSinyavskaya, A.
2021The awareness of social factors in the development of English both in language studies and translationKozikis, D. D.; Shchepacheva, T. Y.
2019The Basic Features of South African English and Their Reflection Presented in the Novel by J. M. Coetzee «Scenes From Provincial Life»Пунько, О.
2017Bilateral Sociolinguistic Correlations between the Indigenous Maori and the European NewcomersKaplunou, P. Y.
2020«The black country bugle» как средство сохранения культурного регионального наследия АнглииРоманчук, П.
2019Brexit and the Awareness of Major Social Changes in Britain in Attaining Language CompetenceKozikis, D.
2020Brexit and the Fate of the English Language in EuropeKozikis, D. D.
2021The British Linguo Map: Modern Languages, Dialects, Dead LanguagesНовик, А.
2021British Posh AccentMurashkowsky, D.
2022The Brummie AccentChernook, H.
2023Celtic Languages in the UK in the 21st CenturyRogozhkina, N.
2021The Chinese Language Unit 上 Shàng and its Correlates in the English LanguageLiu Peng
2022The Chinese Language Unit 上 shàng and Its Correlates in the English LanguageЛю, Пэн
2019Cognitive dissonance in mixed metaphors and malaphors as the variability in discourse in British humourTaymour, Maria P.
2023Colour Epithets in the Collection of Novellas “If It Bleeds” by Stephen KingКравцова, М. Д.
2023Contemporary free verse as a literary genre in the context of translationАхметова, А.