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Отображение результатов 1 до 20 из 1096  дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021The awareness of social factors in the development of English both in language studies and translationKozikis, D. D.; Shchepacheva, T. Y.
2017Bilateral Sociolinguistic Correlations between the Indigenous Maori and the European NewcomersKaplunou, P. Y.
2020«The black country bugle» как средство сохранения культурного регионального наследия АнглииРоманчук, П.
2023Cultural Events with National Character in Wales and ScotlandBogdanovich, J.; Davydova, J.
2023Cпособы выражения косвенного речевого акта отказа во французском языкеКрылович, Я.
2021The Fate of English in the Post-Brexit European UnionKozikis, D. D.; Shchepacheva, T. Y.
2018Gender Marked and Gender Neutral Job Titles: a Matter of CommunicationSoroka, А.-А.; Lavrovsky, А.
2019Gesture as a Key Factor of Successful Business PresentationsButyrkina, I. S.
2020The Historic Factor in the Emergence of Hong Kong EnglishKravtsova, М.
2023How India’s Record-Breaking Population Will Shape the WorldАлехнович, В.
2022How universal mental operations that are not specific to language create highly diverse linguistic and cultural systems of communicationTurner, M.
2022Image schemas as a way to understanding а schizophrenic world picture in narrative аnd autobiographical discourseManerko, L.
2023La conscience linguistique des hаbitants du nord de la France à travers la création phrаséologiqueFilimonova, I. Y.
2021La lengua española como gramática social: símbolos culturales de España y su estructura social en comparación con BielorrusiaRodríguez Díaz Á.
2023Lenguaje no verbal de los políticos españolesМозолевская, В.
2019Linguistic IdentityGarabayev, B.
2021Major Peculiarities of the Language System of Hong Kong EnglishKrautsova, M. D.
2018National and Cultural Peculiarities of Euphemism as a Language UniversalLemish, N. Ye.
2023The Netherlands as the Top English-Speaking CountryЖук, А.
2021Nombra, или путь испанского языка к гендерному равноправиюСергей, Д.